Why T & D Automotive Service?
We have ASE Master Certified Technicians and the latest computerized diagnostic equipment. Furthermore, our computerized automotive information system provides detailed data for your vehicles by year, make and model to ensure that your vehicle repairs and maintenance are in complete compliance with your manufacturer’s warranty. Other data includes lists of “high tech” specialty lubricants” required for your particular vehicle, the latest service procedures, diagnostic information and factory issued Technical Service Bulletins. The bottom line is efficient, dependable and cost effective service for you!
Manufacturer’s Maintenance Schedules
Manufacturers create detailed maintenance schedules outlining specific operations to be performed on various components and systems. These services are done at different mileage intervals to ensure proper operation and prevent premature wear. Manufacturers also indicate specific services that must be done to maintain the factory warranty and extended warranty.
Why Preventative Maintenance?
Manufacturers know that a properly maintained vehicle will be more dependable, safer, last longer and increase your satisfaction with their product. Car manufacturers and owners also have a responsibility to make sure emission controls receive regular service and are functioning properly. Regular maintenance helps accomplish these goals by keeping your engine running efficiently and eliminating potential problems that may leave you stranded.
What’s In It For You?
- Saves you money!
- A more dependable vehicle
- A vehicle that retains more “new vehicle feel”
- Less chance of a costly breakdown
- A safer vehicle for you and your family
- Doing your part for cleaner air
- A car that is worth more at trade in or sale
- An intact warranty
The True Cost of Driving
Q: Do you know how much it costs you to drive from Point A to Point B? Consider this when you need to spend $1,000 in maintenance or repairs to prolong the useful life of your vehicle:
- The average new car now costs around $23,500+, so financing that car at 8% interest over 4 years runs $573.70 per month.
- The average full coverage insurance policy costs around $95.00 per month.
- Most people drive an average of 15,000 miles per year, which comes to 60,000 miles over 4 years. That mileage requires an average of $1,616 in maintenance over 4 years, which comes to $34 per month.
- Based on these averages, driving costs you $702.70 per month, or $8,432.40 per year, not counting tires or gas!
(And that’s after paying $1,175 in sales tax!)
A: Driving from Point A to Point B costs you $33,729.60* over 4 years!!!
*May vary depending on your individual transportation requirements. If you have more than one vehicle, multiply the above accordingly.
What is a Tune-Up?
The term “tuneup” dates to the time when Henry Ford was working on his first automobile prototype.
In Ford’s simple ignition system, there was one ignition coil for each spark plug. If there were four spark plugs, there were four ignition coils, which needed to be adjusted to provide the same spark intensity for better idle and acceleration. As these ignition coils worked, they made a buzzing sound, and when they were adjusted properly, they all buzzed in “tune.” The term “tuneup” stuck and became associated with replacing spark plugs and correcting rough idle problems effecting engine performance.
Once the distributor was developed, the term “tuneup” had no meaning, but the consumer who was used to hearing this term around a garage still associated poor running quality with the need for a “tuneup.”
Today’s automobiles do not require “tuneups.” The term indicates the need for routine maintenance and should not be associated with poor performance. Automobile manufacturers have developed recommended routine maintenance schedules, which specify intervals for replacing spark plugs, PCV valves, fuel filters, etc. These schedules also specify intervals for checking or adjusting ignition timing, idle speed and other items related to engine operation, as well as emission control related devices.
If you experience any operating or performance problems between maintenance, let us perform an engine analysis. Make an appointment today!
Why You Should Perform an Air Conditioning Service
Don’t wait until you need your air conditioning in hot weather to find out that your vehicle is low on Freon! You need your A/C even in winter!
Did you know that every time you turn on your defroster, your air conditioning compressor must dry the air before the defroster directs it to your windshield?
Low Freon may indicate a leak. However, it is normal for some Freon to escape, due to the movement of your vehicle’s engine, the expansion and contraction of the materials that make up the A/C system, and variations in the operating speed of your air conditioning compressor due to engine RPM.
Your air conditioning system should be checked for proper operation and Freon charge at least once a year. Insufficient Freon can damage your vehicle’s compressor, expansion valve and seals, resulting in very costly repairs. Maintaining the proper amount of Freon ensures that the refrigerant oil is carried through your air conditioning system to lubricate its moving parts and seals.
We have the most sophisticated air conditioning service and leak detection equipment now available. We are certified by ASE and MACS to handle both R12 and the new R134A refrigerant. Call today to make an appointment!
Why You Should Service Your Brake Fluid
Your brake fluid requires regular service because it becomes contaminated by moisture.
How does moisture get into your brake fluid? Brake fluid is hygroscopic, which means that it magnetically attracts and absorbs moisture from the atmosphere, usually through the brake master cylinder reservoir and permeable brake hoses.
Moisture contamination lowers the boiling point of your brake fluid, so, even under ordinary driving conditions, it could cause the fluid to boil and release vapor into your brake system. When this vapor compresses inside the system, you may find yourself facing one of the most dreaded driving crises a dangerously low brake pedal or even no brake pedal!
Moisture contamination can also result in very costly repairs into the thousands if you have ABS type brakes! When moisture contaminated brake fluid reaches very high temperatures as much as 450 to 500 degrees an electrochemical reaction makes the fluid highly acidic. The acid breaks down the steel line and rubber hoses and can cause early failure of the cast iron and aluminum components in your brakes.
Brake fluid contamination has become so much of a concern, some car manufacturers have added brake fluid service to their required maintenance schedules. Let our ASE certified technicians perform this important safety service for you today.
Why You Should Flush Out Your Transmission Fluid
Your transmission’s vital parts get clogged with sludge and varnish deposits because, just like the oil in your car’s engine, automatic transmission fluid (ATF) suffers from heat, friction and electrochemical degradation. In fact, nearly nine out of ten transmission failures are due to overheating and fluid contamination.*
However, unlike oil, which can be completely drained from your car’s engine, most of the transmission fluid cannot be drained. Instead it stays in the torque converter, valve body and transmission cooler lines, making a complete fluid drain impossible.
Typical transmission service removes and replaces only 25% of your car’s contaminated automatic transmission fluid. Adding new fluid to the remaining contaminated fluid can actually cause sludge and varnish deposits to clog filters and further restrict flow. This can result in a serious malfunction or even complete failure of your automatic transmission.
Now you have an option. Our Transmission Fluid Exchange safely removes most, if not all, of the old, contaminated fluid, as well as varnish and sludge deposits. It also cleans the transmission cooler, valve body and torque converter to remove worn metals that slowly grind away your transmission’s internal components. Our Transmission Fluid Exchange thoroughly cleans your car’s transmission and protects it with fresh ATF and conditioners that revitalize the seals and 0 rings .
If your vehicle’s transmission is showing any of the typical signs of contaminated transmission fluid slippage or rough or hard shifting try this service. It may help you avoid the cost of major repair work or even prevent the need for a new transmission.
* According to the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association
Why You Should Flush Out Your Power Steering Fluid
At one time or another, most drivers encounter a power steering problem with their car anything from fluid leaks or noise to stiff steering or hard turning after first starting the car. Normal driving eventually causes your power steering fluid to suffer from heat, friction and electrochemical degradation. The high pressure created when you hold hard turns is especially damaging.
Your power steering fluid, which starts out clear, eventually turns dark with age. Sludge and varnish deposits build up in your power steering system and prevent the easy turning and responsive handling you expect from your vehicle.
Our Power Steering Fluid Flush safely removes varnish and sludge deposits. It is also the best way to remove wear metals that slowly grind away your power steering’s internal components, including the power steering hoses, power steering pump, rack and pinion and/or gear box. Our Power Steering Fluid Flush thoroughly cleans your vehicle’s steering system and protects it with fresh power steering fluid and conditioners that revitalize the seals and 0 rings.
If your vehicle’s power steering system is showing any signs of contaminated fluid, try this service before major and expensive repair work becomes necessary. Let our ASE certified technicians perform a Power Steering Fluid Flush for you today.
The pressure in a power steering system during hard turns is much higher than that in an automatic transmission under load. The ATF will become very hot under pressure and break down much faster than power steering fluid. Once this electrochemical degradation begins, your power steering pump, rack and pinion will be subject to leaks, stiffness or complete power steering system failure.
Why is a Wheel Alignment Important?
Your car’s manufacturer specifies carefully calculated adjustments and precise settings for wheel alignment that will reward you with maximum vehicle performance, optimum driving enjoyment and cost savings.
Improper wheel alignment will result in difficult handling, greatly accelerated tire wear, poor fuel economy and excessive wear on your car’s suspension system.
Steering or handling problems may include off center steering wheel, steering pull, unsteady steering, loose steering or hard steering. You may also notice a change in steering direction after hitting bumps.
Unusual or accelerated tire wear may take the form of edge wear, diagonal wear or cupping wear that, if left unattended, will require premature tire replacement.
Failing to maintain proper wheel alignment will make it impossible to maintain factory specified suspension settings that control the quality of your ride.
Protect your investment in your vehicle by keeping your wheels properly aligned. If you bump a curb or hit a pot hole hard, have the alignment checked. If you have new tires installed or worn suspension parts replaced, be sure to have these repairs accompanied by a wheel alignment. And when you bring in your vehicle for routine annual maintenance, let us check your wheel alignment.
Remember proper wheel alignment will optimize your vehicle’s ride, handling and steering capabilities. It will make your car safer and easier to drive. What’s more, it will save you money by significantly extending the life of your tires and suspension!
Complete Computerized Engine Analysis
Why It’s Worth Every Penny!
In 1970, the average car had only $25 worth of electronics. By 1981 the average car contained over $1,000 in electronics, and by 1996 it included over $3,500 in electronics! That figure is still rising.
Today, vehicles’ computers operate everything from air conditioning, radios, air bags, alarm systems, antilock braking systems, traction control, ride control and cruise control to electronic digital and analog instrument panels, automatic transmissions and emission and engine controls. These computers can cost from $250 to as much as $1,500, depending on what they control!
However, instead of using proper diagnostic procedures, some do-it-yourselfers and so called professionals resort to trial and error parts swapping when they don’t know how to fix a computer or performance problem. Since car dealers and parts suppliers refuse to allow returns on electronic components (due to possible damage), that may leave you, the consumer, with expensive parts you didn’t need. In fact, the major manufacturers have reported that as many as 80% of all computers brought in for repair were found to be OK!
Avoid unnecessary repair and parts costs! We have the latest computerized diagnostic equipment, a computerized information system, and experienced ASE Certified Technicians who are trained to properly care for your car. Our complete computerized engine analysis can save you money by correctly diagnosing your vehicle’s problems right from the start. Make an appointment today!